Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The importance of rejecting herd mentality and accepting your individuality and uniqueness

Aniket Bin

When we look at the world around us, we are often reminded of the beauty of uniqueness. Just think of Bhagwan Vishnu and his ten avatars. Although they all come from the same divine source, each avatar has a different form, purpose, and set of abilities. Whether it’s Matsya, the fish who saved the world from a flood or Lord Krishna, who taught us all about love and wisdom, each avatar is celebrated for its uniqueness. None of them tried to be like the other, and that’s exactly what made them so powerful. 

So, what can we learn from this?

The thing is we are all unique just like those avatars. Yet, we often hide what makes us different in order to fit in. The reality is that our individuality is our most valuable asset. It’s what makes us who we really are. But when we try to blend in with the crowd, we risk our individuality and that’s really dangerous.  

When you look at an individual, you see their personality, their unique thoughts but when that person tries too hard to fit in, he loses his identity and becomes the part of the crowd. This is what we call herd mentality. It’s when people stop thinking as individuals and start following the crowd, often without questioning why. 

But why is herd mentality so dangerous? History has shown us just how easily these groups can be manipulated by spreading misinformation. People lose their sense of right and wrong when they stop thinking independently. This happens because we fear standing alone or whatever the reason may be the consequences are devastating. 

Now, Lets understand what happens when people choose to embrace their individuality. When an individual stands firm in their beliefs even the world around them might rethink their existence.

Look at Jadav Payeng, popularly known as the Forest Man of India. Singlehandedly, this man created an entire forest, to preserve the ecosystem, something which big NGOs and governments have not been able to do.

So, ask yourself what the qualities or talents that only you bring to the table are. When we try to fit in, it’s like saying that I’m not enough but in reality, who we are is actually more than enough. By celebrating our uniqueness, we not only honor ourselves, but we also give others courage to do the same. And that’s how we can build a world where diversity is embraced, where different perspectives are respected and where creativity thrives. 

Now celebrating individuality doesn’t mean you should go and isolate yourself; we are social beings and there is immense power in a community. The key is to contribute to the community not by suppressing your individuality but by sharing it. When people come together, each bringing their unique strengths and weaknesses. Just like Bhagwan Vishnu’s avatars each addressed a specific need, all individual’s unique abilities play a critical role in shaping the world. 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the choices we make. Do we choose to stand out or we choose to lose ourselves in the noise of the crowd? Or do we choose to celebrate our individuality, knowing that it’s our uniqueness that gives us power? It’s not an easy path, and sometimes standing out feels uncomfortable. But isn’t the reward of living a different life worth the discomfort? Our individuality isn’t something to be hidden it’s something to be celebrated.

So, what will you choose? Will you be another face in the crowd, or will you embrace the power of being openly you?  

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