Saturday, July 27, 2024


Reetika Chowdhuri  Jiddu Krishnamurti is considered one of the greatest philosophical and spiritual thinkers of the twentieth century. He didn't align himself with any caste, nationality, or religion and wasn't bound by any traditions. His mission was...
Ritika Chowdhury Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer, but he was also known for his strong moral beliefs and kindness. He became a vegetarian for the last 25 years of his life. He believed that killing...

5 Reasons Organic Farming need to be taught in Schools

Reetika Choudhury Have you ever considered the impact of sustainable agriculture on our environment? Schools should teach children about the importance of organic farming and...

Why Karna, Bheeshma and Ashwathama are villains and not “anti-heroes”

Reetika Choudhury  Bhishma, Karna, Ashwathama, are some of the main characters of the Mahabharata epic. Although seen by many with sympathy for their struggles, they...

Did our history textbooks lie to us about Alexander’s Invasion of India?

Reetika Choudhury Alexander’s invasion of India is often seen as a great Western victory over the disorganized East. However, it is believed that Alexander’s...

Six Well known scientists who followed a vegetarian lifefstyle

Reetika Choudhury  Vegetarianism has become increasingly popular in recent years. More people are adopting plant-based diets to improve their health, protect the environment, and most...

Top 5 Quotes by Leonardo da Vinci

Reetika Choudhury  Leonardo da Vinci is a being who truly embodied the spirit of Renaissance. While he’s most famous for his incredible artwork, his talents...

Top 5 Quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. – Inspiring Words for all Time

Reetika Choudhury  Martin Luther King Jr. is one of history’s most cherished figures, known for his tireless fight for civil rights and his incredible wisdom....

The Unsung Inventor: Exploring Leonardo da Vinci’s Silent Legacy

Reetika Choudhury  The Renaissance era shines brightly with the contributions of Leonardo da Vinci, a name which all of us are familiar with. Born on...

Jagadish Chandra Bose: An Unsung Pioneer of Radio Science

Reetika Choudhury  In the chronicles of scientific history, when India was under British predominance, one luminary who stands out is Jagadish Chandra Bose. Born on...

5 Most Bizarre Medical Treatments and Practices in History

Reetika Choudhury  While doctors are expected to adhere to the principle of “do no harm”, even history demonstrates that living up to this ideal has...

Thomas Jefferson’s Five Top Quotes on Governance, Liberty and Human Psychology

Nupur Jha  Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, lawyer, diplomat and founding father of the USA. He was born in 1743 and died in 1836....

From Gandhi to Churchill: Uncovering the Dark Truths Behind Five Popular Historical Icons

Robin Bhuyan (Editor-in-Chief)  Whether it is through history textbooks, or whether through mass media, there are certain individuals whose “heroics” and “contributions” we relentlessly keep...

Real education cannot take place inside closed doors – Activist Medha Patkar in an exclusive interview

Edited by - Robin Bhuyan (Editor-in -Chief) Interviewed and written by - Shubhi Agrawal  Medha Patkar is an environmental and social activist who is prominent for...

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