Saturday, February 8, 2025

Are introverts more prone to mental illnesses

Manju Verma

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Well, there’s nothing wrong with any personality. People belonging to these two types have their own traits and behave accordingly. Some are also ambiverts, which means being a mixture of the two.

Let’s understand the key difference between these personalities. Introverts are more likely to be alone, and if they socialize, they need “me time” or some alone time to regain their energy. This can be a reason why it is considered that introverts are more prone to depression. Some people have a misconception and think that introverts are shy or less confident and cannot socialize. But in actuality, being introverted and being shy are different. Introverts just love their independency, their “me or alone” time to regain their energy.

Extroverted personalities are the opposite of introverts. Extroverts feel more comfortable and energized when they are around people. These kinds of people do not like any kind of social isolation and lack an independent personality. Another popular trait of extroverts is that they do not like being left alone for a prolonged period. To feel confident and energized, it is important for them to stay socially active.  

Who can suffer from Depression

Every personality can go through this hard phase called depression, which can also sometimes lead to suicide. Depression can occur to anyone regardless of their age, gender, personality, and other things. Normal hormonal changes can cause certain mood swings and depressive sensations. However, it is not just hormonal changes that lead to depression.

Depression can occur for several reasons, such as abuse, old age, certain medications, conflict, the death or loss of a loved one, genes, major life-changing events, other personal problems, or serious ailments.

But according to research from a trusted source in 2001, introverts are more prone to depression. Introversion may make someone more likely to get depressed if they have other traits like being more sensitive to their feelings and emotions.

Having a propensity for feeling unfavorable or upsetting is known as neuroticism.

What makes introverts more prone to mental health issues

Numerous studies show a link between introverted personality types and depression, and these have all been published in the past 20 years.

Social Pressure

We deal with the western culture’s expectation to remain extroverts on a daily basis. We frequently feel as though there is something fundamentally flawed with who we are as a result of the continual pressure from family, friends, and society at large. We’re left feeling exhausted, pressured, and compelled to justify and apologize for what suits us best. Our mental health may suffer significantly as a result of all of this.


Due to overthinking and not spending much time with other people, the average introvert may be more likely to show signs of depression than other people. When their thought processes take over, they may dwell on their perceived flaws or frailties, which can lower their self-esteem.

Alongside this, they could start to feel guilty and even hopeless, which, if left untreated, can lead to a vicious cycle of hopelessness that can make them feel lonely and depressed.

Social Nightmares

Another problem that an introvert would have is social isolation. Even though many introverts enjoy their alone time, they also long for tight, intimate connections. Without someone to vent to, we could wind ourselves up, stifling our emotions and disruptive ideas. Over time, this prolonged loneliness might cause depression.

Things introverts need to do in order to battle with depression and anxiety:

1. Develop their own coping mechanisms

Recognize your introverted tendencies, but do not feel pressured to change who you are in order to cope with your melancholy. Instead, be honest with yourself and allow yourself to come up with your own ways to deal with depression.

2. Deal with loneliness

Introverts require more alone time, but that doesn’t mean they should be by themselves. The benefits of social interaction include less loneliness and improved wellbeing. Thanks to technology, it is quite easy to meet people who share your interests and gradually get to know them online and then offline.  

Through text or chat, one can establish rapport and a sense of connection that will make face-to-face interactions easier in the future.

3. Taking Out “Me Time”

When it comes to introverts, being alone should not be mistaken for feeling lonely. Before they can deal with society, they need time and space to recover.

Introverts require time alone to recharge because their energy can quickly wane and negatively affect their mental health. The reserved personality type has to set aside some time for themselves.

4. Practice a Self-Care Routine

For introverts, developing daily self-care rituals can be quite beneficial. These can include yoga, mindfulness, deep muscle relaxation, and any other solitary pursuits.

Because they don’t spend much time with other people, introverts may have bad feelings that hurt and torment them. This makes it hard for them to get through their daily lives.

Treatment Options


Therapists work closely with their patients to create personalized treatment plans that meet each person’s unique needs and concerns. Psychotherapy patients may learn strategies for controlling their stress and depressive symptoms. People who use these techniques can recover and resume their highest levels of functioning.

Two of the most common evidence-based treatments for depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy.

Patients who go through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) learn to recognize and change the negative thought and behavior patterns that can make their depression worse.

In interpersonal therapy (IPT), patients are taught how to communicate more effectively with others, better express their feelings, and find healthier solutions to difficulties.


Yoga is a type of activity that combines a range of physical postures with meditation and breathing techniques. Some of the signs of depression, like being tired or having trouble focusing, may be helped by the therapy.

Yoga therapy is widely used to treat:

●       Mental and emotional issues like stress, anxiety, or sadness that can cause ailments and illnesses, including persistent low back pain.

●       Long-lasting or persistent pain

●       General well-being and health

Other approaches

Additionally, there are activities you may do at home to lessen the symptoms of depression, such as:

●       exercising on a regular basis.

●       having restful sleep (not too little or too much).

●       consuming a balanced diet.

●       staying away from alcohol, a depressant.

●       interacting with the people you value.

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