Friday, October 18, 2024

In Conversation with Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury- Renowned Holistic Health Expert and Nutritionist

Interviewed by – Robin Bhuyan (Editor-in-Chief)

Written and Edited by – Robin Bhuyan (Editor-in-Chief)

If we talk about holistic health in India, Dr Biswaroop Roy Choudhury is a name that comes among the top of the list. A renowned nutritonist and health expert, he is best known for his work on diabetes, along with several chronic ailments through his D.I.P. diet, which is known to reverse various kinds of chronic diseases without the use of medications. Not only has he impacted thousands of lives with his work, he has also given various speeches and published books regarding various medical scams. Join us in our exclusive interview with Dr Choudhury, as we talk about his journey, his struggles, as well as important issues such as Artificial intelligence and mental health.

First of all, we would like to know about your journey. How did you gain interest in nutrition and holistic health?

As far as my memory goes, I have been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome in my early years. I eventually learnt to accept it and thought this is how it has to be for the rest of my life. Meanwhile, my wife had been suffering from frequent colds, a problem persisting since her childhood. We together tried all kinds of treatments, including Homeopathy and Ayurveda. Eventually, we found a solution, and for the last 25 years, neither of us have had to face our problems again. What helped my wife was Amla juice, and for me, what helped me was stopping all kinds of animal products entirely. Had someone told us about these basic things, we could have gotten rid of our ailments a lot earlier.

In your entire journey, what are some of the struggles or challenges that you have faced?

I have understood that the human body can be cured very easily. But curing someone’s mind, I feel, is the most difficult. This is a big challenge because the mind governs most of the important things in life. There are definitely things that we can do to make a change, but unfortunately there is the big lobby that does not want that any kind of information is available to the common public. This was mostly seen during the Covid times.

Your DIP diet has gained worldwide attention, for being able to reverse many chronic ailments, especially in the last three years. Would you share some of your biggest success stories?

DIP diet is the only diet in the world where the chemical trial was done in three countries- India, Nepal and Malaysia. In India, it was on bone disease, in Nepal, it was on diabetes, hypertension and obesity, and in Malaysia, it was on chronic kidney disease. And amazingly, all of them found that their patients were cured within as long as one month. I can’t take the names, due to confidentiality, but many celebs including ones that you keep seeing on television, have been benefited by DIP diet.

Do you feel the government is doing enough to promote holistic health in India? Since they have established the AYUSH ministry?

I think the AYUSH ministry was established to keep people like us in control. Even though they have established the ministry, the budget they have allocated is very low. It is only 2 percent of the budget of the National Health Ministry. Therefore, we can say that 98 percent goes to allopathy.

What would you say about International Yoga Day? Would you agree that it was a good move by the government?

That was a good move, but even after the Covid situation, they told you that if you want to do Yoga, you have to do it wearing a mask, which is ridiculous. When you do Pranayam, it is about inhaling the air around you. What is the point of doing Pranayam if you are inhaling your own Carbon dioxide? This implies that what the government is saying is that allopathy is much more powerful than Yoga or pranayama.  

Why do you feel that mental health issues are on the rise?

In the past few decades, you can see that people usually take their dinners quite late. This disturbs several important functions of your body. Now, internet has also got cheaper, so people stay late watching movies, and they can also order their dinners as late as 2 AM! This hampers our health to a great extent. Stress, pollution and over-medication also plays a role.

Do you think our education system also plays a role?

Yes, education is at the centre of it. If we look back at our school days, how much of what we learnt are we actually using today in our day to day lives? I think it is negligible.   

How important is spirituality for the modern youth?

For me, if we can focus on something that can benefit others, it is being spiritual. We should focus on helping the ones in need. That would be the definition of spirituality for me.

Recently, a YouTuber, who was one of your top followers, is making allegations regarding your HIIMS hospital. We would like to ask your opinion on this entire issue.

Well, this is a free world, and anyone can say whatever they want to say. Plus, we know that we are not able to heal everyone. Even though they made payments, only 75 percent people have been healed. I would like to add that I never asked any people to come to my hospital, because my target, from the beginning, has been to help people heal at their homes. This hospital is just an extension to show that even an Ayurvedic hospital can be profitable.    

What are your thoughts regarding Artificial Intelligence? Many people are worried about its impact.

When television came, many people were worried that books and newspapers would become obsolete. But today, we see that so is not the case. The world keeps evolving. I don’t think humans and humanity can ever be replaced, so this is not something we should worry too much about.

What are your future plans?

By the end of this year, we are releasing a book named ‘The Circadian Doctor’. There are certain rules according to how our bodies work, and if you can take care of these, your body can be healthy. Regarding hospitals, there is no plan to open any in India, as we are focusing on making the current hospital the best. Outside India, we are planning to open hospitals in Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Dubai. Anyways, our main goal is education. Education should empower them, so that they don’t have to be dependent on me, or any hospital.   

Thank you for your time! We wish you the best in your future projects!

Thank you!

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