Friday, October 18, 2024

The top 5 signs that your body is not getting enough water

Mohsin Khaiyam

Keeping yourself hydrated is important to keep functioning in your day-to-day activities. One needs to drink plenty of water to keep all body parts, including the brain, functioning properly. However, sometimes a busy schedule may make it difficult for one to maintain the frequency of water intake, leading to dehydration. Here are some signs that indicate that your body is not receiving enough water:

1. Dark-coloured urine

Even if you had drunk water and noticed dark-coloured urine, you could be sure that it was due to dehydration. Continue sipping water in small amounts every now and then. Carry a water bottle with you and continue sipping from it. The colour of the urine should be pale yellow or clear. Dark yellow or amber is a sign that it is time to drink more hydrating fluids.

2. Dry mouth

A lot of people might relate dry mouth to hunger, but it is actually related to dehydration. Not getting enough water might cause your mouth to become very dry and sticky. With a lack or shortage of water or hydrating fluids, salivary production in the body decreases. So it is necessary to drink more fluids if you face this.

3. Headache

Many people do not acknowledge this, but dehydration also leads to headaches. Dehydration causes the brain to not function properly, and you feel dizzy or have a slight migraine-like issue. This even happens when you are hungry, but drinking water solves it most of the time. The brain needs water to function properly and efficiently. It is similar to engines that need lubrication to function properly.

4. Abrupt food cravings

We often mistake thirst for hunger and move forward to get some food. However, the sudden urge is usually due to a lack of water or hydration. Hence, getting a glass of water before you get something to eat is more suggested. Water loss and loss of electrolytes make the body crave salty food. Consuming a sports drink containing sodium is also suggested in such cases. Fresh lemon juice, a teaspoon of salt, and a glass of water can also hydrate the body.

5. Pain in the joints and muscles

The body increases the friction between the bones when it feels a lack of water, and this results in painful joints. Our joints and cartilage are made of 80% water, and the scarcity of water makes them lose their density. Cramps and muscle spasms are also signs that your body lacks water.

Experts suggest that you drink eight glasses, or 2 litres, of water a day. In hot climates, it is advised to drink even more water. While drinking too much water may not be possible, try to keep your body hydrated with watery fruits, vegetables, and soups.

Here are some tips to keep up with the routine:

· Carry a water bottle with you and keep sipping throughout the day.

· Drink water before, during, and after exercise.

· Avoid excessive sugary drinks and alcohol. Try to avoid them totally. They may dehydrate you.

· If you sweat a lot, try to keep sports drinks with electrolytes on hand to keep yourself hydrated.

We hope you find these tips useful! Keep a tab for more such articles coming up in our health and fitness section.

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