Friday, October 18, 2024

Think you know all about chakras? Let’s find out!

Priya Kumari – Enigmatic Horizon Staff (Sub Editor)

You must have definitely heard of the word “chakra,” as many people today are seen talking about it on social media. Therefore, in this article, we’ll summarize the various significances, locations, and ways to balance the seven chakras in the human body. 

Chakra means “wheel” in English, and in spirituality, it refers to the energy channels that exist along the spinal cord, from the head to the base of the spine. Here, we shall explore the significance of the seven chakras in the human body. 

The first chakra Muladhara is based on two Sanskrit words, mula meaning “root” and dhara meaning “base,” located at the base of the spine. It is based on the earth element, and it is necessary to balance the Muladhara chakra to experience stability, confidence, energy, and strength. The energies of the root, or Muladhara chakra, help in recognizing a strong connection with the earth. It deals with healing, correcting, and empowering the organs of the body. It is associated with the color red, which symbolizes strength and vitality. 

The second chakra is the Swadhisthana Chakra, located in the lower belly. It deals with emotional identity, creativity, sexual desires, and pleasures. Individuals with a healthy Swadhishthana Chakra can hold the energy of money, do better when it comes to personal relationships, and showcase compassion and creativity. This chakra deals with the fluids in the body, including lymph and blood, when the body is malformed. Balance in Swadhisthana also creates a person with a good sense of humor, a sense of belonging, intuitiveness, etc. 

The third chakra is the Navel chakra, or Manipurak, which deals with metabolism and the assimilative powers and desires to acquire and control them. It is located at the navel. It is based on the fire element and is associated with the color yellow. Balance in the Manipurak Chakra creates an energetic and confident personality, high productivity, digestion, and intelligence. 

The fourth chakra is the heart, or Anahata Chakra, which deals with the cardio-pulmonary system, intuition, and the thymus gland in the center of the chest. In Sanskrit, Anahata means “unhurt.” The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the heart, opening the channel of the heart to explore self-love. The color of the heart chakra is green, and the element is air. The balance of this fourth chakra creates empathy, an outgoing nature, motivation, a feeling of compassion, and optimism. 

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, or Vishuddha, which deals with intellectual improvement and the power of communication through truth, purpose, and creativity. It is located in the center of the neck, at the peak of the thyroid gland. The element of the throat is ether. It is important to balance the Vishuddha chakra, as it helps to effectively communicate one’s desires, ideas, boundaries, empathy, and love. 

The sixth chakra, the third-eye or Ajna, deals with self-awareness, wisdom, intellect, detachment, insight, understanding, etc. Its color is indigo. It controls the functions of the brain, eyes, ears, pituitary gland, and neurological gland. Balance in this energy causes- clear thinking, a healthy imagination, and increased concentration and focus. 

The seventh chakra is the Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra, which deals with a universal balance of mind, body, and spirit. It creates a strong connection with oneself. The balance of this energy helps an individual to possess a feeling of oneness with the universe, open-mindedness, intelligence, and receptivity to thoughts and ideas, which creates a harmonious personality. 

The chakras play a significant role, as the things that we perceive and respond to in life are regulated by these energies. The main purpose of balancing these energies is to achieve a state of harmony within themselves.  

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