Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Why is it not advisable to give money to beggars in India?

Rinku Sharma

Do you offer alms to the beggars you frequently encounter on the streets, at intersections, and in front of places of worship? If so, it may be time to reconsider your decision to give money to beggars. 

Reasons for not giving money to beggars

Many beggars prefer not to work since they are so accustomed to begging. Furthermore, a lot of them earn more money from begging than they would if they were employed. Let’s examine the justifications for not giving alms to beggars.

Gangsters and syndicates controlling the beggars

There exists a well-run business model for begging. To keep things under control, a mafia and a racket run the begging business. The mafia would allocate the beggars to various sites and disguise them accordingly. Your donations to the beggars may also not end up in their pockets; instead, the mafia may take most of it away. Thus, by giving them money, you might be supporting these swindles.

Begging makes one dependent and lazy

Beggars do not desire to work and they depend on others for financial support. If you give them alms, it will satisfy their desire, and they will keep being slothful. Giving begging people money would never help them learn how to support themselves. They will be inspired to continue begging on the streets for the rest of their lives, and continue living in misery.

Simple escape

The people we refer to as beggars compromise on their manners, surrender every last shred of their self-respect and discover a quick method to get money. Most of the beggars who are seen on the streets can work but opt not to because begging can be a quick way to get money. In just a few hours, they can get 500 to 1000 rupees. Many of them are capable of working physically, but they simply don’t want to.

A well-planned scam

In most cases, begging is a con. Many of these beggars belong to organized gangs, and many of them purposefully harm their appearance. The act of begging is sometimes forced upon kids. Appearances can be very deceiving making it difficult to tell who is a genuine beggar and who is not. When we witness a young mother begging on the streets while clutching her infant, our hearts can often melt. But in most cases, it is likely a con.  

Discourages them to work

Giving alms to beggars would never help them learn how to help themselves. For many people, begging is just another form of employment. They go out to beg instead of working for money. In truth, begging gangs exist in the majority of the cities. A group of beggars receives a specific territory from the gang leader, and the day’s earnings are divided among them.

Begging is not a solution

The issues of beggars are not solved by begging. Although we can provide them with money, we cannot end their poverty. Instead, we can support NGOs that work to improve the lives of such illiterate and unemployed people.

People who have begged their way to wealth

You might not be entirely correct if you believe that begging is merely a necessity for survival and not a way of life. Your compassion and sympathy will evaporate if you take a peek at the wealthiest beggars in India because you’ll know just how successful their begging enterprise is. Take a look at the wealthy beggars in India who have amassed enormous income via begging.

Bharat Jain

Bharat Jain is one of the wealthiest beggars in India. He is frequently spotted in Mumbai’s Parel neighborhood. According to reports, he makes about Rs 75,000 each month.

Laxmi Das

Laxmi Das, another of India’s richest beggars, makes about Rs 30,000 each month. 

Krishna Kumar Gite 

According to reports, Krishna Kumar Gite begs in Mumbai and reportedly makes around Rs 1,500 each day.


Massu is said to make on average, between Rs 1,000 and Rs 1,500 every day. He also owns apartments in Mumbai.

Sarvatia Devi

Sarvatia Devi is another well-known beggar in Patna who reportedly makes Rs 50,000 each month.

What the government should do to solve this issue

Begging is a simple solution for making a living, as thought by beggars. But in reality, it is a serious threat that needs to be eliminated. What the government can do is drafting a stringent law against begging.

Given the growing number of beggars, particularly women, and children, the issue of begging is now serious and requires immediate attention and intervention. Since the majority of them are homeless, state authorities should place them in rehabilitation facilities. The government should enact a tough rule against begging and implement skill-building programs so that people may support themselves and live dignified lives.

However, it is also our moral duty as residents of this nation to try to put an end to this threat. And the best way to do so is to stop giving them alms. Begging can be eradicated from our nation if more and more people publicly declare that they will not give any money to any beggar, regardless of their need.

Giving money to beggars can be more detrimental than beneficial. Begging can make one dependent and lazy and discourage them to work. So, it is better to give money to organizations and NGOs that work for the development of less fortunate people.

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