Friday, October 18, 2024

An interview with Tayabun Nisha: Assam’s first female athlete to win a National medal

Robin Bhuyan (Editor)

Naba Kumar Sarma (Staff Reporter)

Gargi Baruah (Sub editor)

Tayabun Nisha is the first woman athlete from Assam to win a medal at a national level, and break the national record in discuss throw as well in 1971. She went on to represent the country in several international events across the world. She hails from the Sivasagar district of Assam, India. In 1974, she broke a 12-year-old national record in discuss-throw in Jaipur, where she threw a distance of 29.32 meter. Presented here is a conversation that Enigmatic Horizon recently had with her.

EH: How did you first enter into the world of sports?

TN: My father Rafik Uddin Ahmed (Dhan Ali) was a runner and a a sports enthusiast. He was my inspiration. I was always drawn towards sports from childhood and participated in different sports events on Republic day. We used to play and enjoy sports and slowly our interest in sports began to grow.

EH: How did you get attract towards athletics?

TN:  Apart  from  going  into athletics or running, I didn’t have much choice due to financial crises. As other sports like Tennis, Table Tennis, or Badminton required money to buy the equipment. However running came free and in addition I was happy and enjoying it. So I slowly got attracted towards it and decided to continue it as a career.

EH: By participating in Asian games, you have made Assam proud. Can you tell us about some of the memories and experiences ?

TN: By participating in Asian games, I got to meet many talented sportspersons from various countries from all over the world. I was very fortunate and it was a very unique experience. It gave me immense joy and happiness. I also got a different experience as I was able to meet several players from different countries. I got to see that they had several facilities which include infrastructure, coaches etc. as compared to us. We were not given too many facilities back then.

EH: To become a successful athlete what are the qualities that one should have?

TN: its not about athletics, but to be successful in every sport, all the players need to have dedication, determination, discipline, practice, motivation etc. Sports is like war in some aspects. In the field, you have to face your opponent with courage. If a sports person develops pride, in the future that person will most likely not be successful. One has to start with a big aim like getting a gold medal in the Olympics or any other international games. With high ambition, one has to move forward. If you are determined and aim right, you will definitely succeed.

EH: What is your opinion on the current sports scenario of Assam?

TN:  There a lot of talent regarding sports in Assam. And I am very much optimistic about the future of sports in our state.  But there is a need of sufficient facilities and good coaches. If they are trained by the best coaches, the skilled players will definitely grow and achieve success nationally as well as internationally.

EH: Are you still involved with sports?

TN: I am involved with sports but not directly. Today, I am still involved with different sports organisations in the state.  Sometime, if any sportsperson come for my advice I do give them guidance. And when newcomers come to me for advice regarding sports, I always do my best to guide them.

EH: How do you encourage the new generation in terms of sports?

TN: I would like to tell the new generation to play with all their heart. With patience and focus, one should carry on. Government is also supporting and giving many facilities, and sportspersons should take this opportunity to excel in sports. Sufficient training is also very important. There is another important thing that I would like to address and that is- From childhood itself, one should never learn sports the incorrect way. I am saying this from my own experience that whatever you learn, learn the techniques the correct way from the beginning. Otherwise, it may cause problem in the future. I also believe that our education system needs to bring a change in this aspect. I think that sports should become a compulsory subject, as it has a lot to teach us.

EH: In the world of sports. who is your inspiration?

TN:  My father was my first inspiration. Our financial condition made me more dedicated towards sports. I knew sports could lead me towards a better life, as it would provide job opportunities. Eventually, I managed to become successful got a job in the Indian Railways as well.

EH:   Can we take up sports as a career today?

TN:  Earlier, sports was just for entertainment, but now it is not. Yes, it is definitely possible today to take up sports as a career.  

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