Monday, September 16, 2024

Health & Fitness

Actress Pooja Bedi talks about importance of Yoga, meditation and holistic healing (Exclusive interview)

Interviewed, written and edited by - Robin Bhuyan (Editor-in-Chief) Recently, Enigmatic Horizon had the pleasure of interviewing Pooja Bedi, a well-known figure in the Indian...

Is yoga losing its Indian roots?

Arnabjyoti Kashyap Yoga is a practise that has its origins in ancient India. Although it is a broad term, when we say "yoga", we generally...

Is Ayurveda getting the importance it deserves in India?

Arnabjyoti Kashyap  One of the most well-known ancient medical systems that has endured and thrived for decades is ayurveda. The vast knowledge of nature-based medicine,...

Why and how you need to reduce your daily sugar intake

Sanjana Mahendru Reducing your daily sugar intake is difficult but essential. This is because our diets already contain a sufficient amount of sugar from...

Does India need another Rajiv Dixit today?

Priyal Dholakia (Assistant Editor) When it comes to medicine, India is home to an infinite repository of ancient knowledge and wisdom. Ayurveda, the oldest...

Consuming too much fast foods? Here is why it may be risky!

Enigmatic Horizon Staff Fast foods in recent years, have become very popular among today’s generations especially among the young people. On an everyday basis,...

How much water do you really need when you hit the gym?

Sonali Priyadarshani Proper hydration is necessary before doing any kind of physical exercise, including hitting the gym. Water is an essential component of any workout...

The top five ways to build abs

Amlan Shekhar Baruah The abdominal muscles are not only among the most attractive muscles, but they are also among the most important muscles of the...

5 Yoga Asanas to Reduce Depression

Kakoli Roy A powerful mind is at the core of a healthy body and gives it the strength to overcome mental, physical, and other related...

The role of exercise in stress management

Ankita Naskar Exercise is one of nature's most effective remedies for relieving and reducing stress. Regular physical activity has profound benefits for both the body...

Top five vegetarian sources of protein

Amlan Shekhar Baruah Top five vegetarian sources of protein for muscle building It is a big misconception among many people that a vegetarian diet contains...

How to Gain Weight in a Quick and Healthy Way

Sanjana Mahendru Are you fed up listening to phrases like "you’re skinny as a stick, all skin and bones"? Hearing all this and ignoring it...

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